DBA and SysAdmin World

April 27, 2009

Disable / Enable SQL Jobs by T-SQL

Filed under: Script — Tags: , — solihinho @ 12:23 AM
coding2 Objective
Sometimes on certain situation e.g.:month end closing, we need to disable all our SQL Server jobs then enable it back after that process was finished. If we have tens of jobs even more, I believe it is quite take time if we do it through SQL Server Management Studio / Enterprise Manager.  SQL Server already provide a stored procedure “sp_update_job” on msdb database to change the status of the job (see SQL Server BOL for further information). We just provide the job_id / job_name and the new status (1 = enable, 0 = disable).

Just run below script to get the TSQL script. You can review the result first before run the result to disable/ enable SQL jobs. FYI, when trying to disable the jobs the script only execute the jobs that status is enable. To enable it back, just keep the result and replace  @enable = 0 become @enable = 1. I just prevent not to enable job which status is disable before the script was executed.



DECLARE @disable_job CHAR(1)

SET @disable_job = 'Y' -- Fill 'Y' to disable job .. 'N' to enable job

IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#sysjobs') IS NOT NULL
   DROP TABLE #sysjobs

SELECT job_id INTO #sysjobs
FROM msdb..sysjobs
WHERE enabled = CASE @disable_job WHEN 'Y' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END

WHILE (1 = 1)
   SELECT @job_id = job_id FROM #sysjobs

   IF @@rowcount = 0
      GOTO _EXIT

   PRINT 'exec msdb..sp_update_job @job_id = ''' + CAST(@job_id AS VARCHAR(36))+ ''', @enabled = ' 
         + CASE @disable_job WHEN 'Y' THEN '0' ELSE '1' END

   PRINT 'GO'   

   DELETE FROM #sysjobs WHERE job_id = @job_id

   DROP TABLE #sysjobs


January 1, 2009

Query For Listing SQL Server Job Schedule

Filed under: Script — Tags: , , — solihinho @ 10:03 AM
scheduler Background
On this occasion I want to share TSQL script to list Job Scheduler in SQL Server 2000 and next version. If using Enterprise Manager (EM), we can access under Management -> SQL Server Agent -> Jobs (see below picture).

If using SQL Server Management Studio, it can be accessed under SQL Server Agent -> Jobs (see below picture)
schedule 2005

The issue is little difficult for me to review the schedule of the jobs. I have to click the each job and take note of each schedule. Since all these jobs keep on MSDB database, we are able to query the jobs within its schedule. When we have many jobs both maintenance or monitoring job etc, as a DBA we have to review the time when the jobs will be running. It is important to make our SQL Server load is balance which is mean not very heavy in one time but very light in another time.

The jobs general information keep in msdb.dbo.sysjobs table and the schedule keep in msdb.dbo.sysjobschedules (SQL 2000) or msdb.dbo.sysschedules (SQL 2005 and next). Read SQL Server Book Online (BOL) for further information about the columns of these tables.


To make the main script simpler, I create 3 functions. Just run below script on master database. Actually you can it to another database and don’t forget to change the main query. These 3 functions valid for SQL Server 2000 and next. But there is little differences on the main query since there is a difference schema on table msdb.dbo.sysjobschedules.

USE master


CREATE  FUNCTION fn_freq_interval_desc(@freq_interval INT)  
   DECLARE @result VARCHAR(1000)  

   SET @result = ''
   IF (@freq_interval & 1 = 1)  
      SET @result = 'Sunday, '  
   IF (@freq_interval & 2 = 2)  
      SET @result = @result + 'Monday, '  
   IF (@freq_interval & 4 = 4)  
      SET @result = @result + 'Tuesday, '  
   IF (@freq_interval & 8 = 8)  
      SET @result = @result + 'Wednesday, '  
   IF (@freq_interval & 16 = 16)  
      SET @result = @result + 'Thursday, '  
   IF (@freq_interval & 32 = 32)  
      SET @result = @result + 'Friday, '  
   IF (@freq_interval & 64 = 64)  
      SET @result = @result + 'Saturday, '  



CREATE FUNCTION fn_Time2Str(@time INT)
   DECLARE @strtime CHAR(6)
   SET @strtime = RIGHT('000000' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,@time),6)

   RETURN LEFT(@strtime,2) + ':' + SUBSTRING(@strtime,3,2) + ':' + RIGHT(@strtime,2)


CREATE FUNCTION fn_Date2Str(@date INT)
   DECLARE @strdate CHAR(8)
   SET @strdate = LEFT(CONVERT(VARCHAR,@date) + '00000000', 8)

   RETURN RIGHT(@strdate,2) + '/' + SUBSTRING(@strdate,5,2) + '/' + LEFT(@strdate,4) 

Main query for SQL Server 2000
revise: May 18, 2009 : fixed inaccurate next run date

  Created by Solihin Ho - https://solihinho.wordpress.com

  Usage : Change the value of variable @Filter
          'Y' --> display only enabled job
          'N' --> display only disabled job
          'A' --> display all job
          'X' --> display job which is duration already end

SET @Filter = 'A'

DECLARE @is_sysadmin INT
DECLARE @job_owner   sysname

IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#xp_results') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE #xp_results

CREATE TABLE #xp_results (
     job_id                UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NOT NULL,
     last_run_date         INT              NOT NULL,
     last_run_time         INT              NOT NULL,
     next_run_date         INT              NOT NULL,
     next_run_time         INT              NOT NULL,
     next_run_schedule_id  INT              NOT NULL,
     requested_to_run      INT              NOT NULL, 
     request_source        INT              NOT NULL,
     request_source_id     sysname          COLLATE database_default NULL,
     running               INT              NOT NULL, 
     current_step          INT              NOT NULL,
     current_retry_attempt INT              NOT NULL,
     job_state             INT              NOT NULL

SELECT @is_sysadmin = ISNULL(IS_SRVROLEMEMBER(N'sysadmin'), 0)
SELECT @job_owner = SUSER_SNAME()

INSERT INTO #xp_results
    EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_sqlagent_enum_jobs @is_sysadmin, @job_owner	

SET @sql = '
  j.Name AS JobName
, c.Name AS Category
, CASE j.enabled WHEN 1 THEN ''Yes'' else ''No'' END as Enabled
, CASE s.enabled WHEN 1 THEN ''Yes'' else ''No'' END as Scheduled
, j.Description 
, CASE s.freq_type 
     WHEN  1 THEN ''Once''
     WHEN  4 THEN ''Daily''
     WHEN  8 THEN ''Weekly''
     WHEN 16 THEN ''Monthly''
     WHEN 32 THEN ''Monthly relative''
     WHEN 64 THEN ''When SQL Server Agent starts'' 
     WHEN 128 THEN ''Start whenever the CPU(s) become idle'' END as Occurs 	
, CASE s.freq_type 
     WHEN  1 THEN ''O''
     WHEN  4 THEN ''Every '' 
        + convert(varchar,s.freq_interval) 
        + '' day(s)''
     WHEN  8 THEN ''Every '' 
        + convert(varchar,s.freq_recurrence_factor) 
        + '' weeks(s) on '' 
        + master.dbo.fn_freq_interval_desc(s.freq_interval)					  
     WHEN 16 THEN ''Day '' + convert(varchar,s.freq_interval) 
        + '' of every '' 
        + convert(varchar,s.freq_recurrence_factor) 
        + '' month(s)'' 
     WHEN 32 THEN ''The '' 
        + CASE s.freq_relative_interval	
            WHEN  1 THEN ''First''
            WHEN  2 THEN ''Second''
            WHEN  4 THEN ''Third''	
            WHEN  8 THEN ''Fourth''
            WHEN 16 THEN ''Last'' END 
        + CASE s.freq_interval 
            WHEN  1 THEN '' Sunday''
            WHEN  2 THEN '' Monday''
            WHEN  3 THEN '' Tuesday''
            WHEN  4 THEN '' Wednesday''
            WHEN  5 THEN '' Thursday''
            WHEN  6 THEN '' Friday''
            WHEN  7 THEN '' Saturday''
            WHEN  8 THEN '' Day''
            WHEN  9 THEN '' Weekday''
            WHEN 10 THEN '' Weekend Day'' END 
        + '' of every '' 
        + convert(varchar,s.freq_recurrence_factor) 
        + '' month(s)'' END AS Occurs_detail	
, CASE s.freq_subday_type 
     WHEN 1 THEN ''Occurs once at '' 
        + master.dbo.fn_Time2Str(s.active_start_time) 
     WHEN 2 THEN ''Occurs every '' 
        + convert(varchar,s.freq_subday_interval) 
        + '' Seconds(s) Starting at '' 
        + master.dbo.fn_Time2Str(s.active_start_time) 
        + '' ending at '' 
        + master.dbo.fn_Time2Str(s.active_end_time) 
     WHEN 4 THEN ''Occurs every '' 
        + convert(varchar,s.freq_subday_interval) 
        + '' Minute(s) Starting at '' 
        + master.dbo.fn_Time2Str(s.active_start_time) 
        + '' ending at '' 
        + master.dbo.fn_Time2Str(s.active_end_time) 
     WHEN 8 THEN ''Occurs every '' 
        + convert(varchar,s.freq_subday_interval) 
        + '' Hour(s) Starting at '' 
        + master.dbo.fn_Time2Str(s.active_start_time) 
        + '' ending at '' 
        + master.dbo.fn_Time2Str(s.active_end_time) END AS Frequency
, CASE WHEN s.freq_type =  1 THEN ''On date: '' 
          + master.dbo.fn_Date2Str(active_start_date) 
          + '' At time: '' 
          + master.dbo.fn_Time2Str(s.active_start_time)
       WHEN s.freq_type < 64 THEN ''Start date: '' 
          + master.dbo.fn_Date2Str(s.active_start_date) 
          + '' end date: '' 
          + master.dbo.fn_Date2Str(s.active_end_date) END as Duration
, master.dbo.fn_Date2Str(xp.next_run_date) + '' '' 
    + master.dbo.fn_Time2Str(xp.next_run_time) AS Next_Run_Date
FROM  msdb.dbo.sysjobs j (NOLOCK)
INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobschedules s (nolock) ON j.job_id = s.job_id
INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.syscategories c (NOLOCK) ON j.category_id = c.category_id
INNER JOIN #xp_results xp (NOLOCK) ON j.job_id = xp.job_id
WHERE 1 = 1 
ORDER BY j.name'

IF @Filter = 'Y'
   SET @sql = REPLACE(@sql,'@Filter',' AND j.enabled = 1 ')
IF @Filter = 'N'
   SET @sql = REPLACE(@sql,'@Filter',' AND j.enabled = 0 ')
IF @Filter = 'X'
   SET @sql = REPLACE(@sql,'@Filter', 
                            'AND s.active_end_date < convert(varchar(8),GetDate(),112) ')
   SET @sql = REPLACE(@sql,'@Filter','')


Main Query for SQL Server 2005 and next version

  Created by Solihin Ho - https://solihinho.wordpress.com

  Usage : Change the value of variable @Filter
          'Y' --> display only enabled job
          'N' --> display only disabled job
          'A' --> display all job
          'X' --> display job which is duration already end

SET @Filter = 'A'

DECLARE @is_sysadmin INT
DECLARE @job_owner   sysname

IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#xp_results') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE #xp_results

CREATE TABLE #xp_results (
     job_id                UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NOT NULL,
     last_run_date         INT              NOT NULL,
     last_run_time         INT              NOT NULL,
     next_run_date         INT              NOT NULL,
     next_run_time         INT              NOT NULL,
     next_run_schedule_id  INT              NOT NULL,
     requested_to_run      INT              NOT NULL, 
     request_source        INT              NOT NULL,
     request_source_id     sysname          COLLATE database_default NULL,
     running               INT              NOT NULL, 
     current_step          INT              NOT NULL,
     current_retry_attempt INT              NOT NULL,
     job_state             INT              NOT NULL)

SELECT @is_sysadmin = ISNULL(IS_SRVROLEMEMBER(N'sysadmin'), 0)
SELECT @job_owner = SUSER_SNAME()

INSERT INTO #xp_results
    EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_sqlagent_enum_jobs @is_sysadmin, @job_owner
SET @sql = '
  j.Name AS JobName
, c.Name AS Category
, CASE j.enabled WHEN 1 THEN ''Yes'' else ''No'' END as Enabled
, CASE s.enabled WHEN 1 THEN ''Yes'' else ''No'' END as Scheduled
, j.Description 
, CASE s.freq_type 
     WHEN  1 THEN ''Once''
     WHEN  4 THEN ''Daily''
     WHEN  8 THEN ''Weekly''
     WHEN 16 THEN ''Monthly''
     WHEN 32 THEN ''Monthly relative''
     WHEN 64 THEN ''When SQL Server Agent starts'' 
     WHEN 128 THEN ''Start whenever the CPU(s) become idle'' END as Occurs 	
, CASE s.freq_type 
     WHEN  1 THEN ''O''
     WHEN  4 THEN ''Every '' 
        + convert(varchar,s.freq_interval) 
        + '' day(s)''
     WHEN  8 THEN ''Every '' 
        + convert(varchar,s.freq_recurrence_factor) 
        + '' weeks(s) on '' 
        + master.dbo.fn_freq_interval_desc(s.freq_interval)					  
     WHEN 16 THEN ''Day '' + convert(varchar,s.freq_interval) 
        + '' of every '' 
        + convert(varchar,s.freq_recurrence_factor) 
        + '' month(s)'' 
     WHEN 32 THEN ''The '' 
        + CASE s.freq_relative_interval	
            WHEN  1 THEN ''First''
            WHEN  2 THEN ''Second''
            WHEN  4 THEN ''Third''	
            WHEN  8 THEN ''Fourth''
            WHEN 16 THEN ''Last'' END 
        + CASE s.freq_interval 
            WHEN  1 THEN '' Sunday''
            WHEN  2 THEN '' Monday''
            WHEN  3 THEN '' Tuesday''
            WHEN  4 THEN '' Wednesday''
            WHEN  5 THEN '' Thursday''
            WHEN  6 THEN '' Friday''
            WHEN  7 THEN '' Saturday''
            WHEN  8 THEN '' Day''
            WHEN  9 THEN '' Weekday''
            WHEN 10 THEN '' Weekend Day'' END 
        + '' of every '' 
        + convert(varchar,s.freq_recurrence_factor) 
        + '' month(s)'' END AS Occurs_detail	
, CASE s.freq_subday_type 
     WHEN 1 THEN ''Occurs once at '' 
        + master.dbo.fn_Time2Str(s.active_start_time) 
     WHEN 2 THEN ''Occurs every '' 
        + convert(varchar,s.freq_subday_interval) 
        + '' Seconds(s) Starting at '' 
        + master.dbo.fn_Time2Str(s.active_start_time) 
        + '' ending at '' 
        + master.dbo.fn_Time2Str(s.active_end_time) 
     WHEN 4 THEN ''Occurs every '' 
        + convert(varchar,s.freq_subday_interval) 
        + '' Minute(s) Starting at '' 
        + master.dbo.fn_Time2Str(s.active_start_time) 
        + '' ending at '' 
        + master.dbo.fn_Time2Str(s.active_end_time) 
     WHEN 8 THEN ''Occurs every '' 
        + convert(varchar,s.freq_subday_interval) 
        + '' Hour(s) Starting at '' 
        + master.dbo.fn_Time2Str(s.active_start_time) 
        + '' ending at '' 
        + master.dbo.fn_Time2Str(s.active_end_time) END AS Frequency
, CASE WHEN s.freq_type =  1 THEN ''On date: '' 
          + master.dbo.fn_Date2Str(s.active_start_date) 
          + '' At time: '' 
          + master.dbo.fn_Time2Str(s.active_start_time)
       WHEN s.freq_type < 64 THEN ''Start date: '' 
          + master.dbo.fn_Date2Str(s.active_start_date) 
          + '' end date: '' 
          + master.dbo.fn_Date2Str(s.active_end_date) END as Duration
, master.dbo.fn_Date2Str(xp.next_run_date) + '' '' 
    + master.dbo.fn_Time2Str(xp.next_run_time) AS Next_Run_Date
FROM  msdb.dbo.sysjobs j (NOLOCK)
INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobschedules js (NOLOCK) ON j.job_id = js.job_id
INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.sysschedules s (NOLOCK) ON js.schedule_id = s.schedule_id
INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.syscategories c (NOLOCK) ON j.category_id = c.category_id
INNER JOIN #xp_results xp (NOLOCK) ON j.job_id = xp.job_id
WHERE 1 = 1 
ORDER BY j.name'

IF @Filter = 'Y'
   SET @sql = REPLACE(@sql,'@Filter',' AND j.enabled = 1 ')
IF @Filter = 'N'
   SET @sql = REPLACE(@sql,'@Filter',' AND j.enabled = 0 ')
IF @Filter = 'X'
   SET @sql = REPLACE(@sql,'@Filter', 
                            'AND s.active_end_date < convert(varchar(8),GetDate(),112) ')
   SET @sql = REPLACE(@sql,'@Filter','')


Below sample result of above script

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