DBA and SysAdmin World

April 27, 2009

Disable / Enable SQL Jobs by T-SQL

Filed under: Script — Tags: , — solihinho @ 12:23 AM
coding2 Objective
Sometimes on certain situation e.g.:month end closing, we need to disable all our SQL Server jobs then enable it back after that process was finished. If we have tens of jobs even more, I believe it is quite take time if we do it through SQL Server Management Studio / Enterprise Manager.  SQL Server already provide a stored procedure “sp_update_job” on msdb database to change the status of the job (see SQL Server BOL for further information). We just provide the job_id / job_name and the new status (1 = enable, 0 = disable).

Just run below script to get the TSQL script. You can review the result first before run the result to disable/ enable SQL jobs. FYI, when trying to disable the jobs the script only execute the jobs that status is enable. To enable it back, just keep the result and replace  @enable = 0 become @enable = 1. I just prevent not to enable job which status is disable before the script was executed.



DECLARE @disable_job CHAR(1)

SET @disable_job = 'Y' -- Fill 'Y' to disable job .. 'N' to enable job

IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#sysjobs') IS NOT NULL
   DROP TABLE #sysjobs

SELECT job_id INTO #sysjobs
FROM msdb..sysjobs
WHERE enabled = CASE @disable_job WHEN 'Y' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END

WHILE (1 = 1)
   SELECT @job_id = job_id FROM #sysjobs

   IF @@rowcount = 0
      GOTO _EXIT

   PRINT 'exec msdb..sp_update_job @job_id = ''' + CAST(@job_id AS VARCHAR(36))+ ''', @enabled = ' 
         + CASE @disable_job WHEN 'Y' THEN '0' ELSE '1' END

   PRINT 'GO'   

   DELETE FROM #sysjobs WHERE job_id = @job_id

   DROP TABLE #sysjobs


March 28, 2009

Moving tempdb database to another disk

Filed under: SQL Server — Tags: , — solihinho @ 2:22 AM
move Issue
These weeks errors occurred several times on my SQL Server event viewer “I/O error (bad page ID) detected during read at offset 0x000000XXXXX in file “C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\data\tempdb.mdf”. This error may be related to our hardware. We tried to change our disk on drive C but the error still occurred. To escalate this error we tried to move tempdb data file on drive C to another disk which is have different disk controller.

Step by step

1. Determine logical name of file that we want to move

USE tempdb

On below sample, the logical name are tempdev and templog.


2. Move the data file using ALTER DATABASE statement

USE master
ALTER DATABASE tempdb modify file (name = [logical name], filename = '[new location of file]')


ALTER DATABASE tempdb modify file (name = tempdev, filename = 'D:\SQLDATA\tempdb.mdf')
ALTER DATABASE tempdb modify file (name = templog , filename = 'D:\SQLLOG\tempdb_log.ldf')

3. This alteration will confirm after we restart the SQL Server service. Stop than restart the SQL Server service. You should delete  the old files manually.

After this action, the error does not occur any more Happy. Meanwhile we still investigate why the error occurred. We also open ticket to Microsoft to help us investigate this issue.

February 28, 2009

Starting SQL Server in Single Mode User

Filed under: SQL Server — Tags: , — solihinho @ 8:07 AM
Single user Background
Last time I posted how to set database in single mode. This time I faced a problem with DBCC CHECKDB. Sometimes it takes almost 1 hour to examine 1 database but sometimes only take 10 minutes. I suspected the problem is in the disk. There are many transactions make the disk IO high. I needed to try run DBCC CHECKDB while there are not another transactions allowed to process. Rather than I have to shut down another application servers, I prefer to make the SQL Server in single mode so only one user allowed to connect to the SQL Server.

Step by Step
1. Stop SQL Server service
2. Enter console mode by type cmd from start -> run
3. Go to folder where sqlservr.exe located e.g.: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Binn
4. Type sqlservr.exe -m for SQL Server is not use instance name) or sqlservr.exe -m -s[Instance Name] for SQL Server that use instance name.
5. Connect to the SQL Server use user with system administrator role
6. At the end, type Ctrl+C in console screen, type “Y” on “Do you wish to shutdown SQL Server (Y/N)?”
7. Start SQL Server service.

Time out If your application use SQL Server user with role as system administrator like “sa”, you may face problem when try to connect to SQL Server in Single Mode User because there is possibility the application already connect to the SQL Server before you do.

February 10, 2009

Review Fill Factor of The Indexes

Filed under: Script — Tags: , , — solihinho @ 12:53 AM
analyze Background
When I worked as DBA in my office, It has already hundreds of databases. I have to know the functionality of each databases. How often the tables of the database are accessed, inserted and updated by users. Once you already know, it is easier for DBA to decide the fill factor for the index of the tables.

The right value of the fill factor will upgrade the performance of the application. The fill factor value is a percentage between 0 to 100. This percentage specifies how much to fill the data pages after the index is created. A value of 100 means the pages will be full and will take the least amount of storage space. This setting should be used only when there will be no changes to the data, for example, on a read-only table. A lower value leaves more empty space on the data pages, which reduces the need to split data pages as indexes grow but requires more storage space. This setting is more appropriate when there will be changes to the data in the table.

The fill factor is implemented only when the index is created; it is not maintained after the index is created as data is added, deleted, or updated in the table. Trying to maintain the extra space on the data pages would defeat the purpose of originally using the fill factor because SQL Server would have to perform page splits to maintain the percentage of free space, specified by the fill factor, on each page as data is entered. Therefore, if the data in the table is significantly modified and new data added, the empty space in the data pages can fill. In this situation, the index can be re-created and the fill factor specified again to redistribute the data (SQL Server BOL 2000).

Therefore I created script for listing all indexes’s fill factor. There are 2 types of script. One for SQL 2000 and other for SQL 2005. For SQL 2005 also list value of the index fragmentation.

SQL Server 2000

  Created by : Solihin ho - https://solihinho.wordpress.com
  Compatibility : SQL 2000


IF object_id('tempdb..#result') IS NOT NULL
   DROP TABLE #result

   DBName       sysname,
   TableName    sysname,
   IndexName    sysname,
   [Rows]       int,
   [FillFactor] tinyint,
   [TimeStamp]  datetime


sp_msforeachdb 'USE ? 
INSERT #result (DbName, TableName, IndexName, [Rows], [FillFactor], [TimeStamp])
SELECT db_name() as DbName
,o.name as TableName
,i.name as IndexName
,i.rows as RowsCount
,GetDate() as [TimeStamp]
FROM sysindexes i
INNER JOIN sysobjects o ON i.id = o.id
WHERE i.indid > 0 and i.indid < 255
AND i.name NOT LIKE ''_WA_Sys_%'''


SQL Server 2005 and Next Version

  Created by : Solihin ho - https://solihinho.wordpress.com
  Compatibility : SQL 2005 and next version


IF object_id('tempdb..#result') IS NOT NULL
   DROP TABLE #result

   DBName       sysname,
   TableName    sysname,
   IndexName    sysname,
   [Rows]       int,
   [FillFactor] tinyint,
   Index_Fragmentation float,
   page_count   int, 
   [TimeStamp]  datetime


sp_msforeachdb 'USE ?
INSERT INTO #Result (DBName, TableName, IndexName
    , [FillFactor], [Rows], Index_Fragmentation
    , page_count, [TimeStamp])
  db_name() AS DbName
, B.name AS TableName
, C.name AS IndexName
, C.fill_factor AS IndexFillFactor
, D.rows AS RowsCount
, A.avg_fragmentation_in_percent
, A.page_count
, GetDate() as [TimeStamp]
FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(DB_ID(),NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL) A
INNER JOIN sys.objects B 
   ON A.object_id = B.object_id
INNER JOIN sys.indexes C 
   ON B.object_id = C.object_id AND A.index_id = C.index_id
INNER JOIN sys.partitions D 
   ON B.object_id = D.object_id AND A.index_id = D.index_id
WHERE C.index_id > 0'


What next?
You can schedule above script and keep the result in a table for reviewing next time. You can review the row count to see whether the table grow or not. Just decide the value of the table’s fill factor e.g.: 100% for read only table. For SQL 2005 script, you also review of the index fragmentation. You can review how fast the index become fragmented. You can set the fill factor until you get a best value for the index.

January 16, 2009

Backup Log with NO_LOG, Use It Smartly

Filed under: SQL Server — Tags: , — solihinho @ 1:30 AM
danger Background
On my prior posting, I’ve explain about how to restore data using transaction log. I’ve experience when I tried to restore my detrimental database, in the middle of restored the transaction log it was failed. Seems the chain of the transaction log was broken. So I could not restore the data as much as I could. After investigation, there is a SQL job that backup databases log using NO_LOG or TRUNCATE_ONLY option and shrink the log files. Just FYI I use SQL Server 2000. We’ll see an enhancement from next version of SQL Server later.

I reckoned this job created by the earlier DBA because in our database server since we have an issue with disk space that using for database log. But it still little strange because there is another job that already backup the log to another disk. So I guess the DBA didn’t know the consequence of this action and so did I before this issue came up. I thought shrink log file and backup log with no_log is one whole packet. We could not shrink the log since the log space should be truncate first. It will truncate the log space if we backup the database or backup the log either we backup it to another device or backup log with no_log.

To see log size and percentage the usage use command DBCC SQLPERF (LOGSPACE) . We only can shrink free space of the log.

Let’s see below scenario. 1st I will run it on SQL Server 2000

--1. Create TestLog Database

--2. Active on TestLog database and set for FULL recovery model
use TestDB

--Recovery model should be FULL

--3. Create Table
   ID           INT,
   Description  CHAR(100)

--4. Insert Data
INSERT INTO TestTbl VALUES(1, 'This is first record')

--5. Backup Full Database

--6. Insert Another Data
INSERT INTO TestTbl VALUES(2, 'This is 2nd record')

--7. Backup log to disk #1
BACKUP LOG TestDB TO DISK = 'C:\temp\BK_LOG.bak'

--8. Insert Data again
INSERT INTO TestTbl VALUES (3, 'This is 3rd record')

--9. Backup log to disk #2
BACKUP LOG TestDB TO DISK = 'C:\temp\BK_LOG.bak'

--10. Insert Data again
INSERT INTO TestTbl VALUES (4, 'This is 4rd record')

--11. Upss disk nearly full, DBA do shrink with no_log and shrink the file

--12. Insert Data again
INSERT INTO TestTbl VALUES (5, 'This is 5th record') 

--13. Backup log to disk #3
BACKUP LOG TestDB TO DISK = 'C:\temp\BK_LOG.bak'

--14. Another Upss .. DBA delete all data 

--15. Let's analyze the backup file

And Here is the result.
Let’s analyze the highlight result. #1 LastLsn is similar with #2 FirstLsn but #2 LastLsn is not similar with #3 FirstLsn, It is caused by Backup Log with NO_LOG. It cause the chain of the transaction log is broken and we cannot restore  transaction log #3 and the following files.


Now, I’ll try to run this scenario in SQL Server 2005 and here is the result. As we see, 1st and 2nd backup log is successful. But when trying backup log for the 3rd times it is failed because before run the 3rd backup log we have already run backup log with no_log. SQL Server 2005 does not allow the transaction log file broken. It is really useful enhancement from SQL Server in order to make sure that our transaction log is always is one chain and we are as DBA know if there is an issue in our backup transaction log.

January 10, 2009

Restore Database to the Point in Time Using Transaction Log

Filed under: SQL Server — Tags: , , — solihinho @ 7:12 PM

Real World
As a DBA, it is very important to be able recover a damaged database that caused with many factors. It can be caused by hardware (hard disk) failure, electricity problem, software bugs, and human error. Rather than hardware error, human error is #1 factor that could make database damage e.g: delete data accidentally, drop database, wrong update data etc.

Some situations need DBA could recovery the data until specified time before the database was damaged. There is some technics to make it possible but this time what we discuss is using database transaction log. What we need to do for the recovery is restore database from full database backup + differential database backup + transaction log backup.

DBA should review the DR (Disaster Recovery) strategy periodically. The nice DR strategy is when the disaster occurred, the recovery succeed recover data as much as possible. We need to try simulate the disaster and try to recover the data. It is important to make sure that our DR strategy procedure is already correct and not miss something.

Backup Strategy
Before I explain about the recovery, it is better that we know the backup strategy.

1. Full backup every week (usually on weekend)

BACKUP DATABASE <database name> TO <backup device>

2. Differential backup every day

BACKUP DATABASE <database name> TO <backup device> WITH DIFFERENTIAL

3. Transaction Log backup every x hours / x minutes

BACKUP LOG <database name> TO <backup device>

Recovery Strategy
1. Restore Full Backup
2. Restore latest Differential Backup which is running after the full backup on step 1
    e.g. : if full backup on Sunday Night and Diff backup everyday night , when the disaster occur on Thursday we just use the differential backup on Wednesday.
3. Restore Transaction Backup which is running after latest any database backup model  
    Restore log little bit difficult than just full and diff. We have to find the continuous transaction log with the latest backup. BACKUP LOG with option NO_LOG or TRUNCATE_ONLY should break the chain.

Statement for Restore from FULL and DIFFERENTIAL backup:
RESTORE DATABASE <database_name> FROM <backup_device> 

Statement for restore TRANSACTION LOG backup:
RESTORE LOG <database_name> FROM <backup_device>

For further option, read SQL Server BOL.

Note to RECOVERY / NORECOVERY option, use NORECOVERY option if there is another backup file that should be restored. Use RECOVERY if the final file backup have restored.

Database recovery model should not be in SIMPLE mode. You can use ALTER DATABASE to change the recovery model. If you try to backup log database with SIMPLE recovery model, error should be occurred. Note if you use BULK_LOGGED recovery model, you cannot restore to the point in time if there are any bulk logged operations in transaction log.  

Msg 4208, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The statement BACKUP LOG is not allowed while the recovery model is SIMPLE. Use BACKUP DATABASE or change the recovery model using ALTER DATABASE.
Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
BACKUP LOG is terminating abnormally.

Disaster Recovery Scenario
As mention on backup strategy, we full backup every weekend,  differential backup every night on weekdays and backup log every hours. Below script is illustration about the disaster where the DBA delete all data accidentally. DBA have to recovery the database with minimal loss data. We should recover the data to the point in time before the disaster happened.

Disaster Scenario

--1. Create Database DR Testing

--2. Active on TestDR database
--Recovery model should be FULL

--3. Create Table
    Code       INT PRIMARY KEY,
    Timestamp  DATETIME 

--4. Assume there are data already exists in this table
INSERT INTO dbo.Orders VALUES (1, '3 Jan 2009 09:00:00.000')
INSERT INTO dbo.Orders VALUES (2, '3 Jan 2009 12:00:00.000')
INSERT INTO dbo.Orders VALUES (3, '3 Jan 2009 16:00:00.000')

--5. Full backup run every sunday on 4 Jan 2009 to C:\temp\TestDR_Full.bak
BACKUP DATABASE TestDR TO DISK = 'C:\temp\BK_Full_090104.bak' 
   WITH DESCRIPTION = 'Full Backup ON 4 Jan 2009', NAME = 'Full Backup' 

--6. Transactions on 5 Jan 2009 and BACKUP LOG every hours
INSERT INTO dbo.Orders VALUES (4, '5 Jan 2009 07:45:00.000')
BACKUP LOG TestDR TO DISK = 'C:\temp\BK_Log_090105.bak'
    WITH DESCRIPTION = 'Log Backup ON 5 Jan 2009 08:00:00.000', NAME = 'Log Backup'
INSERT INTO dbo.Orders VALUES (5, '5 Jan 2009 11:30:00.000')
BACKUP LOG TestDR TO DISK = 'C:\temp\BK_Log_090105.bak'
   WITH DESCRIPTION = 'Log Backup ON 5 Jan 2009 12:00:00.000', NAME = 'Log Backup'

--7. Backup Diff after office hours
BACKUP DATABASE TestDR TO DISK = 'C:\temp\BK_DIFF_090105.bak'  
    WITH DIFFERENTIAL, DESCRIPTION = 'Diff Backup ON 5 Jan 2009 22:00:00.000'
   ,NAME = 'Diff Backup'

--8. Transactions on 6 Jan 2009 and BACKUP LOG every hours
INSERT INTO dbo.Orders VALUES (6, '6 Jan 2009 09:35:00.000')
BACKUP LOG TestDR TO DISK = 'C:\temp\BK_Log_090106.bak'
    WITH DESCRIPTION = 'Log Backup ON 6 Jan 2009 10:00:00.000', NAME = 'Log Backup'
INSERT INTO dbo.Orders VALUES (7, '6 Jan 2009 13:10:00.000')
BACKUP LOG TestDR TO DISK = 'C:\temp\BK_Log_090106.bak'
    WITH DESCRIPTION = 'Log Backup ON 6 Jan 2009 14:00:00.000', NAME = 'Log Backup'
INSERT INTO dbo.Orders VALUES (7, '6 Jan 2009 14:23:00.000')

--9. 14.35 AM, DBA delete all data accidentally.
DELETE FROM dbo.Orders

Recovery Scenario
Before we restore the database, awhile we review what we have and need to do for recovery.
1. We need latest full backup. We have full backup at Jan 4th, 2009 on BK_Full_090104.bak
2. Since disaster occur on Tuesday Jan 6th, 2009 we have to apply latest differential backup which is on Jan 5th, 2009 on BK_DIFF_090105.bak
3.  Last but not least is we also need apply the transaction log backup which is on Jan 6th, 2009 on BK_LOG_090106.bak. Since we  backup the transaction log twice, we need to apply every file that we backup before we set the database to RECOVERY mode. If the transaction log backup file not in the chain, it should be show the error message like below

Msg 4326, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The log in this backup set terminates at LSN 27000000017500001, which is too early to apply to the database.
A more recent log backup that includes LSN 27000000019300001 can be restored.
Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
RESTORE LOG is terminating abnormally

--1. Restore from Full Backup With NORECOVERY option
  FROM DISK = 'C:\Temp\BK_FULL_090104.bak'

--2. Restore from latest Diff Backup WITH NORECOVERY option
  FROM DISK = 'C:\Temp\BK_DIFF_090105.bak'

--3. Restore from Transaction Log File 1 and File 2
  FROM DISK = 'C:\Temp\BK_LOG_090106.bak'

  FROM DISK = 'C:\Temp\BK_LOG_090106.bak'

--4. Use RECOVERY option so that the database is available again
Star Recovery scenario above assume TestDR database is not exist anymore in the server (DROP DATABASE). If you want restore as another database, use MOVE option since we need change the filename for the restored database. Using RESTORE FILELISTONLY to get information about the physical and logical name of the backup device,

Restore HeaderOnly
If you see the recovery scenario is quite simple, isn’t it? But if in the real world I believe the scenario more complex. To analyze it is possible or not to restore until the specified time, we can use RESTORE HEADERONLY statement. Restore HeaderOnly returns a result set containing all the backup header information for all backup sets on a particular backup device. With this information, you can decide the file # that you need to be restored. There is information about what time the backup  was performed. This information is needed by DBA that want restore the data until specified time.


Let’s examine the FirstLSN, LastLSN, and DatabaseBackupLSN column from above scenario.
restore headeronly
DatabaseBackupLSN contains LSN (Log Sequence Number) of the most recent full database backup. In above picture, we can see that Differential backup and Transaction Log backup contain value FirstLSN of full database backup. It means our differential backup and transaction log backup in the same chain with the full database backup. So BK_DIFF_090105.bak could be restored after we restore the full database backup.

Now we check the transaction log backup file. Note the LastLSN of the differential backup. The value should be in the range between FirstLSN and LastLSN on transaction log. We can see 27000000019300001 in the range between 27000000017600001 and 27000000019400001 in transaction log file #1. So file #1 could be restored. How about file #2. Note the FirstLSN of file #2 should be as same as LastLSN of file #1. So file #2 of transaction log could be restored also.

BACKUP LOG WITH NO_LOG could make the chain of the transaction log break. The value between files in transaction log won’t be continuous (FirstLSN file N should be same with LastLSN file N-1 where N > 1).  

January 1, 2009

Query For Listing SQL Server Job Schedule

Filed under: Script — Tags: , , — solihinho @ 10:03 AM
scheduler Background
On this occasion I want to share TSQL script to list Job Scheduler in SQL Server 2000 and next version. If using Enterprise Manager (EM), we can access under Management -> SQL Server Agent -> Jobs (see below picture).

If using SQL Server Management Studio, it can be accessed under SQL Server Agent -> Jobs (see below picture)
schedule 2005

The issue is little difficult for me to review the schedule of the jobs. I have to click the each job and take note of each schedule. Since all these jobs keep on MSDB database, we are able to query the jobs within its schedule. When we have many jobs both maintenance or monitoring job etc, as a DBA we have to review the time when the jobs will be running. It is important to make our SQL Server load is balance which is mean not very heavy in one time but very light in another time.

The jobs general information keep in msdb.dbo.sysjobs table and the schedule keep in msdb.dbo.sysjobschedules (SQL 2000) or msdb.dbo.sysschedules (SQL 2005 and next). Read SQL Server Book Online (BOL) for further information about the columns of these tables.


To make the main script simpler, I create 3 functions. Just run below script on master database. Actually you can it to another database and don’t forget to change the main query. These 3 functions valid for SQL Server 2000 and next. But there is little differences on the main query since there is a difference schema on table msdb.dbo.sysjobschedules.

USE master


CREATE  FUNCTION fn_freq_interval_desc(@freq_interval INT)  
   DECLARE @result VARCHAR(1000)  

   SET @result = ''
   IF (@freq_interval & 1 = 1)  
      SET @result = 'Sunday, '  
   IF (@freq_interval & 2 = 2)  
      SET @result = @result + 'Monday, '  
   IF (@freq_interval & 4 = 4)  
      SET @result = @result + 'Tuesday, '  
   IF (@freq_interval & 8 = 8)  
      SET @result = @result + 'Wednesday, '  
   IF (@freq_interval & 16 = 16)  
      SET @result = @result + 'Thursday, '  
   IF (@freq_interval & 32 = 32)  
      SET @result = @result + 'Friday, '  
   IF (@freq_interval & 64 = 64)  
      SET @result = @result + 'Saturday, '  



CREATE FUNCTION fn_Time2Str(@time INT)
   DECLARE @strtime CHAR(6)
   SET @strtime = RIGHT('000000' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,@time),6)

   RETURN LEFT(@strtime,2) + ':' + SUBSTRING(@strtime,3,2) + ':' + RIGHT(@strtime,2)


CREATE FUNCTION fn_Date2Str(@date INT)
   DECLARE @strdate CHAR(8)
   SET @strdate = LEFT(CONVERT(VARCHAR,@date) + '00000000', 8)

   RETURN RIGHT(@strdate,2) + '/' + SUBSTRING(@strdate,5,2) + '/' + LEFT(@strdate,4) 

Main query for SQL Server 2000
revise: May 18, 2009 : fixed inaccurate next run date

  Created by Solihin Ho - https://solihinho.wordpress.com

  Usage : Change the value of variable @Filter
          'Y' --> display only enabled job
          'N' --> display only disabled job
          'A' --> display all job
          'X' --> display job which is duration already end

SET @Filter = 'A'

DECLARE @is_sysadmin INT
DECLARE @job_owner   sysname

IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#xp_results') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE #xp_results

CREATE TABLE #xp_results (
     job_id                UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NOT NULL,
     last_run_date         INT              NOT NULL,
     last_run_time         INT              NOT NULL,
     next_run_date         INT              NOT NULL,
     next_run_time         INT              NOT NULL,
     next_run_schedule_id  INT              NOT NULL,
     requested_to_run      INT              NOT NULL, 
     request_source        INT              NOT NULL,
     request_source_id     sysname          COLLATE database_default NULL,
     running               INT              NOT NULL, 
     current_step          INT              NOT NULL,
     current_retry_attempt INT              NOT NULL,
     job_state             INT              NOT NULL

SELECT @is_sysadmin = ISNULL(IS_SRVROLEMEMBER(N'sysadmin'), 0)
SELECT @job_owner = SUSER_SNAME()

INSERT INTO #xp_results
    EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_sqlagent_enum_jobs @is_sysadmin, @job_owner	

SET @sql = '
  j.Name AS JobName
, c.Name AS Category
, CASE j.enabled WHEN 1 THEN ''Yes'' else ''No'' END as Enabled
, CASE s.enabled WHEN 1 THEN ''Yes'' else ''No'' END as Scheduled
, j.Description 
, CASE s.freq_type 
     WHEN  1 THEN ''Once''
     WHEN  4 THEN ''Daily''
     WHEN  8 THEN ''Weekly''
     WHEN 16 THEN ''Monthly''
     WHEN 32 THEN ''Monthly relative''
     WHEN 64 THEN ''When SQL Server Agent starts'' 
     WHEN 128 THEN ''Start whenever the CPU(s) become idle'' END as Occurs 	
, CASE s.freq_type 
     WHEN  1 THEN ''O''
     WHEN  4 THEN ''Every '' 
        + convert(varchar,s.freq_interval) 
        + '' day(s)''
     WHEN  8 THEN ''Every '' 
        + convert(varchar,s.freq_recurrence_factor) 
        + '' weeks(s) on '' 
        + master.dbo.fn_freq_interval_desc(s.freq_interval)					  
     WHEN 16 THEN ''Day '' + convert(varchar,s.freq_interval) 
        + '' of every '' 
        + convert(varchar,s.freq_recurrence_factor) 
        + '' month(s)'' 
     WHEN 32 THEN ''The '' 
        + CASE s.freq_relative_interval	
            WHEN  1 THEN ''First''
            WHEN  2 THEN ''Second''
            WHEN  4 THEN ''Third''	
            WHEN  8 THEN ''Fourth''
            WHEN 16 THEN ''Last'' END 
        + CASE s.freq_interval 
            WHEN  1 THEN '' Sunday''
            WHEN  2 THEN '' Monday''
            WHEN  3 THEN '' Tuesday''
            WHEN  4 THEN '' Wednesday''
            WHEN  5 THEN '' Thursday''
            WHEN  6 THEN '' Friday''
            WHEN  7 THEN '' Saturday''
            WHEN  8 THEN '' Day''
            WHEN  9 THEN '' Weekday''
            WHEN 10 THEN '' Weekend Day'' END 
        + '' of every '' 
        + convert(varchar,s.freq_recurrence_factor) 
        + '' month(s)'' END AS Occurs_detail	
, CASE s.freq_subday_type 
     WHEN 1 THEN ''Occurs once at '' 
        + master.dbo.fn_Time2Str(s.active_start_time) 
     WHEN 2 THEN ''Occurs every '' 
        + convert(varchar,s.freq_subday_interval) 
        + '' Seconds(s) Starting at '' 
        + master.dbo.fn_Time2Str(s.active_start_time) 
        + '' ending at '' 
        + master.dbo.fn_Time2Str(s.active_end_time) 
     WHEN 4 THEN ''Occurs every '' 
        + convert(varchar,s.freq_subday_interval) 
        + '' Minute(s) Starting at '' 
        + master.dbo.fn_Time2Str(s.active_start_time) 
        + '' ending at '' 
        + master.dbo.fn_Time2Str(s.active_end_time) 
     WHEN 8 THEN ''Occurs every '' 
        + convert(varchar,s.freq_subday_interval) 
        + '' Hour(s) Starting at '' 
        + master.dbo.fn_Time2Str(s.active_start_time) 
        + '' ending at '' 
        + master.dbo.fn_Time2Str(s.active_end_time) END AS Frequency
, CASE WHEN s.freq_type =  1 THEN ''On date: '' 
          + master.dbo.fn_Date2Str(active_start_date) 
          + '' At time: '' 
          + master.dbo.fn_Time2Str(s.active_start_time)
       WHEN s.freq_type < 64 THEN ''Start date: '' 
          + master.dbo.fn_Date2Str(s.active_start_date) 
          + '' end date: '' 
          + master.dbo.fn_Date2Str(s.active_end_date) END as Duration
, master.dbo.fn_Date2Str(xp.next_run_date) + '' '' 
    + master.dbo.fn_Time2Str(xp.next_run_time) AS Next_Run_Date
FROM  msdb.dbo.sysjobs j (NOLOCK)
INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobschedules s (nolock) ON j.job_id = s.job_id
INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.syscategories c (NOLOCK) ON j.category_id = c.category_id
INNER JOIN #xp_results xp (NOLOCK) ON j.job_id = xp.job_id
WHERE 1 = 1 
ORDER BY j.name'

IF @Filter = 'Y'
   SET @sql = REPLACE(@sql,'@Filter',' AND j.enabled = 1 ')
IF @Filter = 'N'
   SET @sql = REPLACE(@sql,'@Filter',' AND j.enabled = 0 ')
IF @Filter = 'X'
   SET @sql = REPLACE(@sql,'@Filter', 
                            'AND s.active_end_date < convert(varchar(8),GetDate(),112) ')
   SET @sql = REPLACE(@sql,'@Filter','')


Main Query for SQL Server 2005 and next version

  Created by Solihin Ho - https://solihinho.wordpress.com

  Usage : Change the value of variable @Filter
          'Y' --> display only enabled job
          'N' --> display only disabled job
          'A' --> display all job
          'X' --> display job which is duration already end

SET @Filter = 'A'

DECLARE @is_sysadmin INT
DECLARE @job_owner   sysname

IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#xp_results') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE #xp_results

CREATE TABLE #xp_results (
     job_id                UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NOT NULL,
     last_run_date         INT              NOT NULL,
     last_run_time         INT              NOT NULL,
     next_run_date         INT              NOT NULL,
     next_run_time         INT              NOT NULL,
     next_run_schedule_id  INT              NOT NULL,
     requested_to_run      INT              NOT NULL, 
     request_source        INT              NOT NULL,
     request_source_id     sysname          COLLATE database_default NULL,
     running               INT              NOT NULL, 
     current_step          INT              NOT NULL,
     current_retry_attempt INT              NOT NULL,
     job_state             INT              NOT NULL)

SELECT @is_sysadmin = ISNULL(IS_SRVROLEMEMBER(N'sysadmin'), 0)
SELECT @job_owner = SUSER_SNAME()

INSERT INTO #xp_results
    EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_sqlagent_enum_jobs @is_sysadmin, @job_owner
SET @sql = '
  j.Name AS JobName
, c.Name AS Category
, CASE j.enabled WHEN 1 THEN ''Yes'' else ''No'' END as Enabled
, CASE s.enabled WHEN 1 THEN ''Yes'' else ''No'' END as Scheduled
, j.Description 
, CASE s.freq_type 
     WHEN  1 THEN ''Once''
     WHEN  4 THEN ''Daily''
     WHEN  8 THEN ''Weekly''
     WHEN 16 THEN ''Monthly''
     WHEN 32 THEN ''Monthly relative''
     WHEN 64 THEN ''When SQL Server Agent starts'' 
     WHEN 128 THEN ''Start whenever the CPU(s) become idle'' END as Occurs 	
, CASE s.freq_type 
     WHEN  1 THEN ''O''
     WHEN  4 THEN ''Every '' 
        + convert(varchar,s.freq_interval) 
        + '' day(s)''
     WHEN  8 THEN ''Every '' 
        + convert(varchar,s.freq_recurrence_factor) 
        + '' weeks(s) on '' 
        + master.dbo.fn_freq_interval_desc(s.freq_interval)					  
     WHEN 16 THEN ''Day '' + convert(varchar,s.freq_interval) 
        + '' of every '' 
        + convert(varchar,s.freq_recurrence_factor) 
        + '' month(s)'' 
     WHEN 32 THEN ''The '' 
        + CASE s.freq_relative_interval	
            WHEN  1 THEN ''First''
            WHEN  2 THEN ''Second''
            WHEN  4 THEN ''Third''	
            WHEN  8 THEN ''Fourth''
            WHEN 16 THEN ''Last'' END 
        + CASE s.freq_interval 
            WHEN  1 THEN '' Sunday''
            WHEN  2 THEN '' Monday''
            WHEN  3 THEN '' Tuesday''
            WHEN  4 THEN '' Wednesday''
            WHEN  5 THEN '' Thursday''
            WHEN  6 THEN '' Friday''
            WHEN  7 THEN '' Saturday''
            WHEN  8 THEN '' Day''
            WHEN  9 THEN '' Weekday''
            WHEN 10 THEN '' Weekend Day'' END 
        + '' of every '' 
        + convert(varchar,s.freq_recurrence_factor) 
        + '' month(s)'' END AS Occurs_detail	
, CASE s.freq_subday_type 
     WHEN 1 THEN ''Occurs once at '' 
        + master.dbo.fn_Time2Str(s.active_start_time) 
     WHEN 2 THEN ''Occurs every '' 
        + convert(varchar,s.freq_subday_interval) 
        + '' Seconds(s) Starting at '' 
        + master.dbo.fn_Time2Str(s.active_start_time) 
        + '' ending at '' 
        + master.dbo.fn_Time2Str(s.active_end_time) 
     WHEN 4 THEN ''Occurs every '' 
        + convert(varchar,s.freq_subday_interval) 
        + '' Minute(s) Starting at '' 
        + master.dbo.fn_Time2Str(s.active_start_time) 
        + '' ending at '' 
        + master.dbo.fn_Time2Str(s.active_end_time) 
     WHEN 8 THEN ''Occurs every '' 
        + convert(varchar,s.freq_subday_interval) 
        + '' Hour(s) Starting at '' 
        + master.dbo.fn_Time2Str(s.active_start_time) 
        + '' ending at '' 
        + master.dbo.fn_Time2Str(s.active_end_time) END AS Frequency
, CASE WHEN s.freq_type =  1 THEN ''On date: '' 
          + master.dbo.fn_Date2Str(s.active_start_date) 
          + '' At time: '' 
          + master.dbo.fn_Time2Str(s.active_start_time)
       WHEN s.freq_type < 64 THEN ''Start date: '' 
          + master.dbo.fn_Date2Str(s.active_start_date) 
          + '' end date: '' 
          + master.dbo.fn_Date2Str(s.active_end_date) END as Duration
, master.dbo.fn_Date2Str(xp.next_run_date) + '' '' 
    + master.dbo.fn_Time2Str(xp.next_run_time) AS Next_Run_Date
FROM  msdb.dbo.sysjobs j (NOLOCK)
INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobschedules js (NOLOCK) ON j.job_id = js.job_id
INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.sysschedules s (NOLOCK) ON js.schedule_id = s.schedule_id
INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.syscategories c (NOLOCK) ON j.category_id = c.category_id
INNER JOIN #xp_results xp (NOLOCK) ON j.job_id = xp.job_id
WHERE 1 = 1 
ORDER BY j.name'

IF @Filter = 'Y'
   SET @sql = REPLACE(@sql,'@Filter',' AND j.enabled = 1 ')
IF @Filter = 'N'
   SET @sql = REPLACE(@sql,'@Filter',' AND j.enabled = 0 ')
IF @Filter = 'X'
   SET @sql = REPLACE(@sql,'@Filter', 
                            'AND s.active_end_date < convert(varchar(8),GetDate(),112) ')
   SET @sql = REPLACE(@sql,'@Filter','')


Below sample result of above script

December 22, 2008

SQL Server 2005 SP3 Released

Filed under: SQL Server — Tags: , , — solihinho @ 2:07 AM
doctor Microsoft has released SP3 for SQL Server 2005. You can download it here.

Read this knowledge base to find out the list of bugs that are fixed.

December 20, 2008

Disable or Enable Constraint

Filed under: SQL Server — Tags: , — solihinho @ 11:33 PM
constraint Issue
As there are 3 database environments such as development, testing and production, sometimes there is a request to refresh master or transaction tables in testing from production with specific period.

1st issue is sometimes some data already exists in testing. So I need to delete the existing data. For deleting data we have to delete starting from detail table to master table.

2nd issue is when inserting data from production to testing, we need to insert data starting from master table to detail table. If we do not follow this rule, the action will be failed due to foreign key constraint. It is little bit take time for DBA to analysis which the master table or detail table. For data movement from one to another environment which have identical schema, the fastest way is disable the constraints during the data movement and enable it back after it is finish. Below script only valid for check and foreign key constraint.


Disable Constraints All Tables

sp_msforeachtable @command1 = "print 'Disable constraint on ? '"
                , @command2 = "ALTER TABLE ? NOCHECK CONSTRAINT ALL"

Enable Constraints All Tables

sp_msforeachtable @command1 = "print 'Enable constraint on ? '"
                , @command2 = "ALTER TABLE ? CHECK CONSTRAINT ALL"

Time outAfter you move the data and enable the constraints, this enabling constraint doesn’t check the data that already exists in the table. So you will not receive any violation message though there is a violated data. Use DBCC CHECKCONSTRAINTS to check whether there is a violated data or not and just clean it manually.
Time out Since the script enable/disable all the constraints and triggers, just make sure before you run the script, note the constraint already disabled before you want to enable all the constraints vice versa by running below script.

List All Constraints Status 

    CASE WHEN OBJECTPROPERTY(constid, 'cnstisdisabled') = 0 THEN 'Enabled'
       ELSE 'Disabled' END AS Status 
   ,O1.Name AS ConstraintName
   ,O2.Name AS TableName
   ,C1.name AS ColumnName
   ,O3.name AS ReferencedTable
   ,C2.name AS ReferencedColumn
FROM sysforeignkeys FK
INNER JOIN sysobjects O1 ON O1.id = FK.constid
INNER JOIN sysobjects O2 ON O2.id = FK.fkeyid
INNER JOIN syscolumns C1 ON C1.id = FK.fkeyid AND C1.colid = FK.fkey
INNER JOIN sysobjects O3 ON O3.id = FK.rkeyid
INNER JOIN syscolumns C2 ON C2.id = FK.rkeyid AND C2.colid = FK.rkey
ORDER BY TableName, ConstraintName, FK.KeyNo

December 14, 2008

DTSBackup 2000

Filed under: SQL Server — Tags: , , — solihinho @ 3:04 PM
sqldtslogo DTSBackup 2000 is a designed to help with both backup and transfer of DTS package. This version of DTSBackup provides full support for Microsoft SQL Server 2000. New features introduced in this version of DTSBackup include a new DTSBackup file format and direct transfer of packages between SQL Servers. These methods do not suffer the loss of layout information encountered when using the DTS object model.

For further information and download the tool just visit this link.

Beside DTS (Data Transformation Services) tool, there is SSIS (SQL Server Integration Services) tool also. Just visit this link.

Thumps upThis tool has helped me to transfer thousand DTS package when there is a request from developer to get DTS from production and put it into development.Time out After relocate, just check all the package make sure there isn’t  information of production environment such as server name, user and password in development.
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